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文山評論:文學與文化 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

From the Actual to the Possible: Cosmopolitan Articulation of Englishness in Julian Barnes' Arthur & George
作者 楊承豪
Julian Barnes’ Arthur & George (2005) critiques the nationalistic particularism of English identity and offers the possibility of reconfiguring Englishness. An institutionalized reading of the novel would draw the reader’s attention to the issues of racism and miscarriages of legal justice, and most reviews conform to these readerly expectations. I would argue that this novel works on the deconstruction of the total and totalized English identity, and this deconstruction is coupled with a cosmopolitan articulation of Englishness to facilitate ethical relation and solidarity between the two “unofficial Englishmen”: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and George Edalji. The deconstruction of the English identity does not discredit the value of national identity, but it turns away from a totalized national identity. In Postcolonial Melancholia, Paul Gilroy asks, “ . . . what critical perspectives might nurture the ability and the desire to live with difference on an increasingly divided but also convergent planet?” (3). A cosmopolitan articulation of national identity could be a response to Gilroy’s question, as it will shift the focus of the discussion on Englishness from the actual-the entrenched, static and prejudiced national identity, to the possible-the ethical engagement, and the productive relatedness of existent differences in the singularity of each subject. In Arthur & George, differences do not constitute the obstacle between the two main characters, but rather the very reason for Arthur to reach out toward George.
起訖頁 159-190
關鍵詞 英國性朱利安.拔恩斯亞瑟與喬治倫理關係世界主義EnglishnessJulian BarnesArthur & GeorgeEthical relationCosmopolitanism
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 201306 (6:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 交響腐人夢:情感轉碼與戀人共同體




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