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The Body Beyond: Corporeal Suffering and Space in John Milton's Samson Agonistes
作者 林熒嬌
Samson Agonistes can be seen as expressing John Milton’s belief that corporeal suffering may have a divine purpose, and that the suffering self may be the site of a possible “resurrection.” Milton, like the Greek tragedians, shows us a basic fact of human existence: physical pain is more than pain; it paradoxically leads to self-regeneration. Both Samson’s corporeal disfigurement and bodily confinement account for his extreme interiority and immobility, characterized as “Prison within Prison.” In a sense the prison’s own dimensions become that of his self; he becomes the prison. It is only when he enters the open public space in the final temple scene, where he takes advantage of its spaciousness to stage his planned catastrophe, that he at last feels inwardly free and open. His body is transformed from a private to a public one, a body belonging to his people and his history and thus directly facing his and their enemy. In his physical act of pushing against the mighty pillars he seems to be moving outward, moving “outside himself” into a state of total exteriority which yet will be internalized, drawn inward, just as the phoenix’s flight out of the fire has a sense of both inward and outward transcendence. Although one could say that in the final offstage scene Samson uses his body like a page of Scripture, metaphorically rewriting his sacred script, his “letter” to the profane Philistines in his own blood, the value of his mutilated body is more dependent on, or defined by, suffering than by the ending ultimate violence.
起訖頁 141-166
關鍵詞 約翰.密爾頓大力士參孫肉體痛苦空間自我整合Samson AgonistesJohn MiltonCorporeal sufferingSpaceSelf-integration
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 201212 (6:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 對話、異質性、及亞歷山大波普之「批評論」
該期刊-下一篇 繡花針與流浪漢:「葛根婆婆的繡花針」裡流浪漢的潛在破壞力




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