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文山評論:文學與文化 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Politics of the Voice: 'Healthy Realism' in Oyster Girl and Beautiful Ducking
作者 周俊男
In the 1960’s and 1970’s, a genre of film in Taiwan was referred to as “Healthy Realism,” which featured “realistic” scenes and characters in the countryside. Oyster Girl and Beautiful Ducking are typical films labeled as “Healthy Realism.” The combination of these two different elements, edification and realism, made the term “healthy realism” an oxymoron and the genre a new but weird type. Films in the healthy realism genre, as many film critics have been quick to point out, are obviously ideology-laden, with their aim of providing propaganda for government policies, such as the reformation of farming technology, the improvement of the countryside environment. These propaganda issues are manifestly rendered in the narrative of Oyster Girl and Beautiful Ducking in such subplots as the members of the Council of the Revolution in Farming going to the countryside to help the farmers to improve their farming technology, and the event of a Farming Competition. The government’s policies on the countryside are in one way or another embedded in the narrative of the two films. But, what is less visible is the promotion of a national identity based on the political policy of the KMT, which is relatively submerged without being manifest in the diegetic narrative of the two films. Instead, it is manifested mostly through extra-diegetic voices of the two films, such as voice-over commentaries, the theme song, and the background orchestral music. The language of Mandarin the characters use, when connected with the Mandarin in the voice-over, can serve as a bridge between the diegetic themes and the extra-diegetic ideology. While the use of Mandarin as the language of the characters in the films of healthy realism renders such films unrealistic, it is an element of “health” nevertheless since it can be connected to the “healthy” extra-diegetic voices. It is these “healthy” extra-diegetic voices that covertly register the KMT version of national identity and carry a political load heavier than that of the diegetic theme of rural improvement. These “healthy” extra-diegetic voices do not go with the “realistic” images in the technical, social, or political spectrum, but the voices dominate the images and make them serve national ideology. The politics of the voice, for us, is one of the quintessential characteristics of the films of “healthy realism.”
起訖頁 27-47
關鍵詞 健康寫實聲音聽覺存有旁白Healthy realismVoiceacousmêtreVoice-over
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 201212 (6:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 義肢現代性:臺灣健康寫實電影的文本敘述、機器組配與義肢影像
該期刊-下一篇 無名的感動:談「臺北之晨」的「寫實主義」




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