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文山評論:文學與文化 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Melancholic Modernity: Reading Women and Love in Contemporary Taiwanese Pop Songs
作者 周俊男
“Melancholy” has been the key tone of Taiwanese pop songs ever since their inception in 1930s, when Taiwan was still a Japanese colony. The melancholic tone of Taiwanese pop songs has always been seen by critics as metaphorically representing the anti-oppressive, anti-colonial sentiment of the oppressed Taiwanese. This article aims to provide a different approach to Taiwanese pop songs and put them in the context of women’s modernity, which manifests itself through “free love,” and may be seen as a rebellion against traditional arranged marriage. The practice of “free love” leads to a paradox within women’s culture: on the one hand, women can “freely” choose their partner; on the other hand, their imagination of free love tends to quantify or specify both freedom and love and turns them into a part of biopolitcs. It is this bilateral (contradictory) nature of biopolitics that is ultimately behind the inner contradiction of women’s modernity. We propose that the inner contradiction of women’s modernity, which liberates women but at the same time reifies them and then alienates them, has to do with the “melancholy” in Taiwanese pop songs, featuring women’s melancholic voices telling about unhappy love. Furthermore, since Taiwanese pop songs have been boosted by the market (media), and the element of “melancholy” can help extend the market, the phenomenon of what we call “biopolitics of melancholy” was created through those pop songs. Contemporary Taiwanese pop songs, especially those sung by the female singer Huang Yi-lin, inherit this element of “melancholy” from earlier Taiwanese pop songs. The difference is that contemporary Taiwanese pop songs can express “melancholy” in a critical way and turn “melancholy” into “mourning,” thus recovering the transcendental impetus of female modernity and unchaining the life force of modern women from biopolitics.
起訖頁 31-57
關鍵詞 台語流行歌生命政治悲情現代性Taiwanese pop songsBiopoliticsMelancholyMourningModernity
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 201106 (4:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 共在虛實間:論朱天心〈古都〉中的記憶與共群
該期刊-下一篇 綿延之群:以德勒茲-柏格森生命哲學重思生態學之初探




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