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文山評論:文學與文化 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

'But I Do My Own Way': Mrs. Mittin's Autonomy and Quest for Respectability in Frances Burney's Camilla
作者 陳麗青
Though a minor character in Camilla, the obsequious and acquisitive Mrs. Mittin not only constantly surprises the heroine but also unfavorably impresses readers with her impertinence and disregard of decorum. The popularity she seeks and partially enjoys in the fictional world does not seem to be matched by responses among readers in the real world over the last two centuries. However, by the laconic statement, “But I do my own way,” she lays claim to autonomy; the ways in which she demonstrates her status as a free agent within the novel provide us with a fresh viewpoint on the works of Frances Burney. This article investigates how Burney’s invention of Mrs. Mittin provides an early instance of a phenomenon discussed by Marilyn Friedman in her account of autonomy in Autonomy, Gender, Politics. It links Mrs. Mittin’s acquisitive desire and autonomy to her quest for respectability, and attributes her ability to climb the social ladder to these two dominant characteristics. It also examines Burney’s skepticism about contemporary conduct book teachings for women on modesty, and observes that Burney deems the notion of modesty ineffective for women who, like Mrs. Mittin, live at the bottom of the social hierarchy and have to confront the “gothic economics” of the world on a daily basis. This article shows that Burney’s portrayal of Mrs. Mittin illustrates her belief that women can take control of their own affairs and offers us an alternative picture of eighteenth-century Englishwomen.
起訖頁 21-56
關鍵詞 法蘭西絲柏尼米頓女士自主社會地位物慾謙遜Frances BurneyMrs. MittinAutonomyRespectabilityAcquisitive desireModesty
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 201012 (4:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 當代卡塔盧尼亞女性偵探小說中的性別、身分認同與暴力:以奧莉薇、西摩及瑪荷納的作品為例
該期刊-下一篇 消費世紀末倫敦:「朝聖之旅」裡的女產消費者




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