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文山評論:文學與文化 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Horrors of a Disconnected Existence: Frustration, Despair and Alienation in the Poetry of T. S. Eliot
作者 Oscar Chenyi Labang (Oscar Chenyi Labang)
The expression of modern existence as a disconnected entity with shocking and distressful consequences is reflected in the writings of many modernist writers, but it seems to take centre stage in the poetry of T. S. Eliot. The decline of values and the multifarious problems of the twentieth century have caused modern man to create parentheses that detach them from each other, from society, from nature and even from themselves. This paper examines the horrifying consequences of life in a chaotic and disconnected universe on human existence from the perspectives of frustration, despair, and alienation. From a Structuralist theoretical standpoint, the paper analyses the poetry of Eliot with the aim of showing that the poet explores and employs rhetorical tropes and linguistic codes that present individuals whose lives have been torn apart as a result of political, economic, social and religious crises. Social limitations and individual inadequacies have pushed modern man into hopeless individualistic worlds that are not connected to those of others around them, and the consequences of this are devastating. 以現代性的存在做為一個崩析瓦解之本質,其中亦不乏那令人畏懼苦惱的後續結果,此現象反映於許多現代性作家的寫作,而此似乎是艾略特詩歌裡的主要軸心。價值的式微與二十世紀本身的多重問題促使現代人去創造那些抽離自我分隔他者的括號,人們從彼此、社會、自然中隔離,甚者即至與自我分隔。以結構主義理論的立場論述,此論文的分析目的在於展現詩人艾略特探索挪用辭藻的轉義以及語言學符碼來呈顯那些撕碎生活的個體,而撕碎的個體即始作俑於一連串政治、財經、社會、宗教危機的惡果。社會的箝制以及個體的不適把現代人推至那沒有一絲希望曙光的個體世界,而個體之間卻沒有任何的相關連繫,而其結局不免是充滿毀壞性的。
The expression of modern existence as a disconnected entity with shocking and distressful consequences is reflected in the writings of many modernist writers, but it seems to take centre stage in the poetry of T. S. Eliot. The decline of values and the multifarious problems of the twentieth century have caused modern man to create parentheses that detach them from each other, from society, from nature and even from themselves. This paper examines the horrifying consequences of life in a chaotic and disconnected universe on human existence from the perspectives of frustration, despair, and alienation. From a Structuralist theoretical standpoint, the paper analyses the poetry of Eliot with the aim of showing that the poet explores and employs rhetorical tropes and linguistic codes that present individuals whose lives have been torn apart as a result of political, economic, social and religious crises. Social limitations and individual inadequacies have pushed modern man into hopeless individualistic worlds that are not connected to those of others around them, and the consequences of this are devastating.
起訖頁 33-51
關鍵詞 Disconnected existenceFrustrationDespairAlienationEliot存在之崩析瓦解挫敗絕望隔離艾略特
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 201006 (3:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 勸誡的策略:山繆李查森利用性暴力與負面勸導以教化人心之策略
該期刊-下一篇 巔峰情感的受虐慾:葉琳內克小說「鋼琴教師」




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