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Critical Development Factors for Culture Cluster: The Case of Taichung Creative and Cultural Park
作者 汪志忠陳美甜
本研究主要目的在於探究文化創意產業群聚政策的主要關鍵發展因素。首先使用文獻分析法,歸納文化創意產業群聚的相關理論發展因素,接著輔以台中創意文化園區作為個案探討對象,並運用深度訪談法與決策實驗室分析法(decision making trial and evaluation laboratory,DEMATEL),分析文化創意產業群聚政策的實質發展因素及其主要關鍵因素。研究結果顯示:台中創意文化園區之實質發展因素共有六項,分別是「場地租金價格」、「民眾的文化參與能力」、「非營利組織建置的文化交流平台」、「政策與法規之有效支援」、「品牌化商品之形塑」、以及「便利的交通」,其中「民眾的文化參與能力」是影響台中創意文化園區發展的主要關鍵群聚發展因素。
Development of cultural and creative industry is an important national policy in Taiwan and concept of industry clusters was greatly promoted. However, examining the key factors for cultural industrial cluster is very important. This study explores a conceptual framework for evaluating the critical factors of culture clusters. Then in the case of Taichung Creative Cultural Park while developing with clustering, 6 real development factors were derived by In-depth interview. They are rent price, ability of cultural participation of citizen, effective support of policy and regulation, interactive platform created by NPO, building of brand, and convenient transportation, separately. Finally, DEMATEL method was applied to analysis the relative influence among 6 real development factors. The result shows ability of cultural participation of citizen is the most critical factor. Our findings are helpful to formulate developing program for the Taichung Creative Cultural Park in Taiwan. The study outcome also helps us to have an insight into the cultural industry cluster.
起訖頁 105-130
關鍵詞 文化創意產業產業群聚發展因素台中創意文化園區Culture ClusterCultural and Creative IndustriesCritical Development FactorDEMATEL
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201306 (14:1期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 地方型社會企業運作策略與實踐效益分析:以新故鄉文教基金會為例




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