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The Change of Civil Organization Registration System in China: A Perspective of Path Creation
作者 謝杏慧
Under the stimulus of ‘small state, big society' and the Super-MinistrySystem reform, the central and local governments in China have loosened their civil organization registration system since 2006 in order to increase the number of and to broaden the range in their civil organizations, hoping to fill the gaps left by the downsized state and to activate these civil organizations' participation in social and economic affaires. In path creation, change in institutions results from entrepreneurial agency rather than the continuity of path dependence. To disembed from existing structures, entrepreneurs would react by creating new paths in motion in real time. This shows a process of ‘mindful deviation', the heart of path-creation. This current study applies path creation to exploring the transformation process of China's civil organization registration system since 1949, which went from a disorder management, a strict dual management system to as implified integration registration. The process demonstrates a deviation from an existing path to an innovated one. While the result of integrated registration is limited and thus in a sub-optimal situation, the process reveals a fact that institutional entrepreneurs are able to manipulate strategies to enact in real time and to become disembeded from the structure of ‘big state, small society'. This process fits the definition of mindful deviation in path creation.
起訖頁 49-75
關鍵詞 路徑創造經心偏離清理整頓雙重管理統一登記path creationmindful deviationchecking-up and rectificationdual management systemintegrated registration
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201306 (14:1期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 論中華民國國軍廉政制度改革
該期刊-下一篇 地方型社會企業運作策略與實踐效益分析:以新故鄉文教基金會為例




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