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The Problems within Social Service Organization Training Staffs: The Influences from Government's Grants
作者 邢瑜 (Yu, Hsing)
Due to the quality as well as quantity of social service's demands are increasing, where limits within government in handling certain issues resulted in the appearance of nonprofit organization being held responsible for servicing people. Whether nonprofit organization can supply services with higher quality or not would be depended on their staff's capability, therefore, valuing and training human resources are the most important issues for nonprofit organization. Since the capability of nonprofit organization's staffs are influenced by a variety of factors which includes financial circumstances, shortages of staffs and so forth for worrying about these factors we have mentioned above, threatening staff's capability within nonprofit organization. This paper is intended to utilize human resource management and the partnership within the third sector as well as government as a foundation, where to fully acknowledge conditions as well as problems toward training staffs within the nonprofit organization. The results are include of how organization value training is influenced by a leadership's point of view as well as the expectation of each individual, furthermore, the nature of a job, training of new employees, where unclear as well as unequal partnerships with government may also become factors in which may cause severe conditions.
起訖頁 77-102
關鍵詞 非營利組織社會福利團體人力資源管理人力培訓政府補助nonprofit organizationsocial service organizationhuman resource managementtraining government's grants
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201212 (13:2期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 從公民參與觀點看彰化馬興村社區營造之歷程




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