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Whither an Internationalist Japan: Global Activism and Democratic Deficit in Japanese Foreign Policy
作者 楊向峰
Japanese foreign policy since the late 1980s has exhibited many signs of liberal internationalism: a generous development assistance package despite its economic malaise, an expanded presence in international peacekeeping and peace-building missions, and a multi-faceted, people-centered approach to international security. This article, however, draws attention to the (non)liberal character of Japanese activism by shedding light on Japan's entanglement in democracy assistance, a trademark liberal internationalist project. Two features stand out in this juxtaposition. First, democracy assistance has been seen as supplementary-rather than parallel-to the peace and development initiatives in Japan's diplomatic repertoire. Second, when democracy was indeed played up, the act nonetheless exposed the myriad innate contradictions between the liberal paradigm and Japan's nationalist impulses that transpired in its diplomatic offensives. Humanistic as it can be at times, Japan's global outreach is non-liberal at best because it is intellectually informed and motivated by a confluence of nationalist resurgence and realist power considerations.
起訖頁 105-140
關鍵詞 liberal internationalismdemocracy promotionpeacekeepinghuman securitydevelopment assistance
刊名 Issues & Studies  
期數 201312 (49:4期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 Managing Cross-Strait Relations: A Value Analysis of Taiwan's Leadership Messages, 2004-2011
該期刊-下一篇 Growing Global Civil Society Complements Global Environmental Governance: Lessons Learned from the Lancang/Mekong Dam Projects




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