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The Key Success Factors of the Website Content: Using Grey Relation Analysis
作者 蔡雅玲 (Ya-Ling Tsai)李宗儒 (Tzong-Ru Lee)黃珮寧 (Pei-Ning Huang)
有鑑於全球經濟體系由傳統邁向「網路」經濟新時代,本研究探討「網站內容」之關鍵成功因素。「網站內容」是「網站經營者」對於「網站」所能操控的「設計因素」,例如: 網站的設計(網站畫面的安排、商品的分類方式及網站設計的更新速度)、商品(商品的品質、商品種類的寬度與廣度及商品的存貨資訊)、促銷(促銷的折扣資訊、配合消費者偏好的促銷期間及促銷的折價券資訊)…等。
As the global economic system shifts from the traditional towards Internet of new economic era, the present study was to investigate the website content of the critical success factors. Website content is the design element of website operators that can be controlled, such as: website design (website screen arrangement, classification of goods and website design update rate), commodities (commodities quality, types of goods, inventory information, and width and breadth of goods), marketing (promotional discount information with consumer preference information and coupons during the promotion) ... and so on.
The purpose of this study was to explore the website content design factors for the operators to enhance their quality and content of the website. Thus, virtual shoppers not only pay attention to the commodity price, but are willing to understand the difference of each website content to decide whether to buy. In this study, the questionnaire aggregated website content design factors developed by literature searching, 201 samples received.
In this study, critical success factors were extracted through the gray relational analysis for the website content design, provide a reference for the website operator to enhance website content design and the quality of the website. Thus, this study facilitates the operators themselves to develop appropriate marketing strategies for attracting consumers to visit the website.
起訖頁 037-050
關鍵詞 網路網站內容設計關鍵成功因素灰關聯分析法WebWebsite content designKey Success FactorsGray Relational Analysis
刊名 商略學報  
期數 201703 (9:1期)
出版單位 臺灣管理學會
DOI 10.3966/207321472017030901003   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 線上使用者匿名傾向的前因及結果
該期刊-下一篇 當代台灣創業家策略決斷力之辯證思維




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