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South Sudan Secession: What Implications for Darfur and Beijing's Strategic Policy Options?
作者 Wilfried Relwende Sawadogo (Wilfried Relwende Sawadogo)
The political landscape of Sudan, the former largest country of Africa in terms of territory, has witnessed a dramatic change with the January 2011 referendum in South Sudan followed by the official division of the country into two separate independent entities on July 9, 2011, thereby sealing the fate of North and South Sudan. Such a situation presents crucial challenges not only to warring forces in war-driven Darfur but also to major foreign investors such as China; hence the relevance of this paper that seeks to first provide an in-depth analysis of the role of Sudan in Beijing s foreign policy prior to South Sudan s secession before examining the implications that South Sudan s secession might have on the one hand, on the Darfurian political stance towards the Al-Bashir regime and, on the other hand, on Chinese strategic policy options vis-à-vis the region.
起訖頁 147-177
關鍵詞 ChinaDarfurSudanSouth Sudanstrategic foreign policy options
刊名 Issues & Studies  
期數 201306 (49:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 Transitional Security Pattern in the South China Sea and the Involvement of External Parties
該期刊-下一篇 Social Movements and Policy Capacity in Hong Kong: An Alternative Perspective




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