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The Effects of Educational Program of Dementia Care on the Knowledge, Attitude and Competence among the Nurse Aides in Day Care Centers
作者 林麗味 (Li-Wei Lin)蔣妃玫 (Fei-Mei Chiang)陳見花 (Chien-Hua Chen)戴佑泫 (Yu-Hsuan Tai)蔡麗珍 (Li-Jane Tsai)葉淑惠 (Shu-Hui Yeh)
方法:本研究採雙組前後測實驗性設計,以配對取樣方式選取中部及南部共24 家日間照顧中心53 位照顧服務員為研究對象。以隨機分組為實驗組(n = 29) 接受12 堂(20 小時) 失智症照顧教育課程;對照組(n = 24) 則未接受教育課程。以結構式問卷進行資料收集,於課程介入的前三天進行前測,及課程結束後的六週進行後測,並以SPSS Version 20.0 進行統計分析。
結果:失智症照顧教育課程可顯著的改善實驗組照顧服務員之失智症照顧知識(t = -2.12 , p =.04)。進一步比較兩組間成效指標之前後測差異,雖然實驗組照顧服務員接受失智症照顧教育課程後的失智症照顧知識、態度及能力比對照組照顧服務員改善,但改善程度未達統計上顯著差異。
Background: Taiwan has a policy of supporting aging in place for its elderly. Day care is one of community-based services of long-term care in Taiwan. Nurse aides provide most of the cares at these day care centers, however, their training focuses on disability care, rather than on dementia care.
Purpose: This study examined the effects of an educational program of dementia care on knowledge, attitude, and competence among nurse aides at 24 day care centers in Taiwan.
Methods: An experimental two group pre-test and post-test research design was used. Participants included 24 matched experimental and comparison groups in Central and Southern Taiwan day care centers. Twenty nine participants in the experimental group participated in a 12-topic (20 hours) threedayeducational program on dementia care. Twenty four participants in the comparison group did not participate in the educational program. All participants were interviewed using three structured questionnaires prior to the intervention. The post-test was conducted 6 weeks after the intervention. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS Window version 20.0.
Results: The research results showed that the educational program improved dementia care on knowledge of dementia among nurse aides in the experimental group (t = -2.12, p = .04). However, there was no significant mean difference on knowledge, attitude, and clinical competence of dementia care between the two groups of nurse aides post-test.
Conclusions: After participating in the dementia care educational program, the nurse aids demonstrated significantly improved dementia care knowledge. However, the lack of a significant difference between the two groups post-test suggests that there is an urgent need for further study regarding course content, use of directional methods and timing of outcome measurements.
起訖頁 491-505
關鍵詞 失智症照顧教育課程照顧服務員知識態度能力dementia care educationnurse aidesknowledgeattitudeclinical competence
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201612 (27:4期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
DOI 10.3966/102673012016122704002   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 生涯人際能力對護理生涯壓力之影響
該期刊-下一篇 非正式照顧者接受溝通技巧訓練對於失智症病人照顧之成效




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