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Projecting Taiwan: Taiwan's Public Diplomacy Outreach
作者 Paul S. Rockower (Paul S. Rockower)
Because of its diplomatic isolation, Taiwan has used, and continues to rise, public diplomacy as a vital medium for presenting its values and utility in the international community while bypassing issues of recognition. This article examines Taiwan's public diplomacy and soft power projection. It analyzes Taiwan's public diplomacy outreach and evaluates its public diplomacy strategies and tactics by focusing on Taiwan's ability to present its utility relevance, and values to the international community. It assesses Taiwan's public diplomacy institutions and tools, and the instruments employed to implement public diplomacy outreach. Further, more, it examines Taiwanese soft power and the elements that enhance its 'power of influence.' The author categorizes Taiwan as a 'middle power' and compares its public diplomacy efforts to those of similar middle power slates, especially in relation to the public diplomacy strategy of niche diplomacy.
起訖頁 107-152
關鍵詞 public diplomacysoft powercultural diplomacynation brandinggastrodiplomacy
刊名 Issues & Studies  
期數 201103 (47:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 The Cross-Strait Judicial Agreement: A Study of Bilateral Agreements Regarding Trade and Investment Matters in China
該期刊-下一篇 An Analysis of the 'Province Leading Counties' Administrative Reform in China




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