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北門禁軍與武德九年玄武門政變之關係考辨—— 以常何為中心的考察
A Study of the Relationship between the North Gate Guard and the Xuanwu Gate Coup of 626, with a Focus on the Role of Chang He
作者 李軍 (Jun Li)
Li Shimin launched the Xuanwu Gate coup to seize the throne on the fourth day of the sixth month of 626. It does not seem that Chang He, who was then with the palace guard at the North Gate, had anything to do with Li Shimin’s setting an ambush in the Taiji Palace, or with the Crown Prince’s insisting on entering the palace even though he had received a warning. Although Li Shimin had once gone through Chang He to bribe warriors in the palace guard, we do not find direct evidence that the North Gate Guard participated in the coup planning process. The North Gate Guard was only involved in one part of the implementation of the coup, and it was not a determining force. If we compare the stele inscription recording the life story of Chang He with the inscriptions for the Xuanwu Gate coup heroes produced in the reign of Gaozong, we can show that Chang He had little to do with the Xuanwu Gate coup.
起訖頁 129-156
關鍵詞 玄武門之變常何北門禁軍石刻書寫the Xuanwu Gate CoupChang Hethe North Gate Guardstele inscription
刊名 早期中國史研究  
期數 201612 (8:2期)
DOI 10.3966/207503662016120802004   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 「記室」與修史——十六國北朝史學的一個側面觀察
該期刊-下一篇 早期中國史研究會2016年合宿會紀要




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