It has been over 16 years since long-term care insurance started in Japan in April,2000. Prof. Itou stated Japan’s Legal system of Long-term Care Insurance (LTCI) and its current situation. Besides discussing the problems faced in enforcing the newly reformed long-term care insurance law from 2015, he also offered some solutions for the LTCI system and discussed the trend in the future of Japan’s long-term care insurance law. In the article, he discussed about the social security reform under ABEs administration. It brought up the problems arose from the reform such as benefit limitation, burden on users, and from lowering the compensation for long-term care. Prof. ITOH pointed out the relationship between revenue and expenditure under the financial structure of LTCI. Under the current situation, it is difficult to increase the insurance premium. Therefore the only way for the reform is to limit the benefit. That is the difficult situation in Japan’s LTCI.