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臺中市筏子溪流域治理網絡發展之研究   全文下載 全文下載
A Study on Watershed Governance Network of the Fa-Zi River in Taichung City
作者 陳秋政 (José Chiu-Cheng Chen)
在流域治理議題日趨重要的同時,文獻分析指出非營利部門雖展現積極參與的意圖與行動,但其意見的能見度、被接受度在政府主導的治理網絡中仍有偏低的現象。對照非營利部門在其他議題領域的成功與發展,本研究旨在探討非營利部門的參與可以在臺灣流域治理議題中扮演哪些角色與功能,進而發揮具體貢獻。本研究選定臺中市筏子溪流域治理議題,採用參與觀察法、深度訪談法、內容分析法及網絡分析法,分析相關理論與研究成果後,收集六份社區座談、12份深度訪談紀錄文本,以及10份網絡問卷面訪結果,結合質性文本分析軟體(MAXQDA 10)及網絡分析軟體(UCINET),探討非營利部門適合在哪些筏子溪流域治理議題中扮演重要角色?政府權責機關為解決相關議題爭議,應與哪些非營利組織協力共事?研究發現,為改善筏子溪流域治理問題,應分從「文史保護、生態保護、生態教育、防洪整治、污染改善、景觀規劃、治理機制」等七項治理網絡著手,且基於網絡分析的「程度中心性」結果,建議政府權責機關應在各類治理網絡中尋求與非營利組織協力合作,才能有效解決研究個案所遭遇的治理問題。
The result of literature reviews indicate that the not-for-profit sector has ambitious intention and action in participation of watershed governance issues while it has became more important. But the visibility and acceptability of not-forprofit sector’s opinions have no change at all due to governmental agencies still dominate the watershed governance network. Comparing other cases that the notfor- profit sector has involved successfully, this article decides to explore what roles and functions can be played, and what contributions can be made by the notfor- profit sector in the watershed governance issues.
This research chooses the Fa-Zi River watershed governance issue in the Taichung Metropolitan Area as an example. Besides the result of literature reviews, this article has collected 6 memos of community workshop through participatory observation, 12 notes of in-depth interview, and 10 survey results of network analysis question conducted by face-to-face interview. By utilizing the qualitative data analysis software (MAXQDA 10) for content analysis, and UCINET for network analysis, this paper has discussed what roles should be played by the notfor- profit sector in the Fa-Zi River watershed governance issues? For solving related watershed governance problems, what NPOs should governments collaborate with?
The research findings indicate 6 categories of governance network--“culture preservation and maintenance, ecological protection, environmental education, improvement of pollution, landscape planning, flood control, governance mechanism” are critical for improving the Fa-Zi River watershed governance. Meanwhile, the conclusion also recommends specific NPOs and priority of collaboration for governmental agencies base on the result of degree centrality.
起訖頁 073-116
關鍵詞 協力網絡流域治理都會治理筏子溪臺中市collaborative networkwatershed governanceurban governancethe Fa-Zi RiverTaichung City
刊名 組織與管理  
期數 201608 (9:2期)
出版單位 臺灣組織與管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 價值基礎策略觀點之公私部門夥伴關係的價值共創:以文創產業之駁二藝術特區為例
該期刊-下一篇 知識異質性、知識創造機制與產學合作短長期協同新產品開發績效




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