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Factors Influencing Junior High School Students’ English Language Achievement in Taiwan: A Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System Approach
作者 龔心怡李靜儀
本研究利用Bronfenbrenner 的生態系統觀點來探究影響臺灣國中學生英語學習成就之相關因素,並以結構方程模式來探討變項間之關係,問卷調查對象為709 位臺灣中部地區國中三年級學生。研究結果發現:(1)臺灣國中學生的「英語學習成就模式」可由父母參與、教師信念∕態度、親師互動、大眾傳播媒體與網際網路共同塑造。(2)大眾傳播媒體與網際網路可以顯著預測父母參與和教師信念∕態度;父母參與和教師信念∕態度可以顯著預測學生的英語學習成就;且父母參與和教師信念∕態度彼此相關。(3)大眾傳播媒體與網際網路經由父母參與和教師信念∕態度,對學生英語學習成就的完全中介效果成立,且教師信念∕態度的效果大於父母參與。這些研究結果呼應Bronfenbrenner 的生態系統理論,驗證在臺灣社會大系統(macrosystem)強調英語學習重要性之文化氛圍下,外在系統(exosystem)的大眾傳播媒體與網際網路可以藉由中系統(mesosystem)的父母-教師之互動合作、小系統(microsystem)的父母參與、教師信念∕態度來共同影響學生的英語學習成就。本研究最後提出具體建議與議題討論,以供英語學習之參考。
This study aimed to construct a social profile of Taiwanese students’ English language achievement by employing Bronfenbrenner’s perspectives. Data were collected on a sample of 709 ninth graders in central Taiwan via survey questionnaires and were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results indicated that, first, a Taiwanese Students English Language Achievement model was constructed by parental involvement, teachers’ beliefs/attitudes, parent–teacher interaction, and mass media/the Internet. Second, mass media/the Internet significantly predicted parental involvement and teachers’ beliefs/attitudes; parental involvement and teachers’ beliefs/attitudes significantly predicted students’ English language achievement; the correlation between parental involvement and teachers’ beliefs/attitudes was significant. Third, the completely mediating effects of parental involvement and teachers’ beliefs/attitudes in predicting students’ English language achievement from mass media/the Internet were supported, and the effect of teachers’ beliefs/attitudes tended to be stronger than parental involvement. These findings were in line with Bronfenbrenner’s theory and demonstrate that the influence of the mass media/the Internet (exosystem) in students’ English language achievement conveyed the degree of parental involvement (microsystem), teachers’ beliefs/attitudes (microsystem), and the interaction between parents and teachers (mesosystem), especially within the context of the socio-cultural atmosphere in Taiwan (macrosystem). Implications and suggestions were discussed and provided to enhance students’ English language learning.
起訖頁 035-066
關鍵詞 大眾傳播媒體與網際網路父母參與英語學習成就教師信念∕態度Bronfenbrenner 生態系統取向Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems approachEnglish language achievementmass media/the Internetparental involvementteachers’ beliefs/attitudes
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201606 (29:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 人與食物的距離─鄉村小學食農教育課程發展之行動研究
該期刊-下一篇 進修學校學生之職業認同與對進修學校功能之看法




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