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A Study on the Concept and Nature of Patent License Agreement in Taiwan Patent Act
作者 李素華 (Su-Hua Lee)
Nowadays it is necessary to place enormous investments on research and development in order to survive in a competitive global market. In most high-tech enterprises, the main capital is the fruits of their research and development activities, namely, the patent and other intellectual property rights. Patent laws confer exclusive rights on holders of patents. Patentee is entitled to prevent unauthorized use of his invention and to exploit it, inter alia, by assigning and licensing it to third parties. Patent license plays an important part in economic growth and consumer welfare. It helps to spread innovation and allows companies to offer new products and services. Licensing also strengthens incentives for research and development by creating additional revenue streams to recoup costs. This article focuses upon the legal framework of license agreement in Taiwan, following the principles set forth in civil law and Patent Act amended in 2013. Important issues including nature of license agreement, definition and contents of exclusive and non-exclusive license, rights and obligations of licensees and licensors are reviewed in detail.
起訖頁 1-80
關鍵詞 專利法專利權專利授權授權契約授權專屬授權非專屬授權Patent LawPatentPatent LicenseLicensing AgreementLicenseExclusive LicenseNon-Exclusive License
刊名 政大法學評論  
期數 201603 (144期)
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
DOI 10.3966/102398202016030144001   複製DOI
該期刊-下一篇 無權占有他人土地與相當於租金之不當得利——實證研究與政策建議




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