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The Challenges and Contemporary Issues of Taiwan’s Investor Protection System: A Model to Learn or to Avoid
作者 林仁光

In January 2003, the Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center (SFIPC), an NPO and NGO, was established according to the Securities Investor and Futures Trader Protection Act (SFIPA), enacted in July 2002. The SFIPC was funded by the securities and futures industries. The creation of the SFIPC and the recent securities law reforms aim at enhancing the corporate governance and the investor protection systems. This article provides a comparison of the investor protection funds in Taiwan, Canada, China, Singapore and the U.S. In addition, special functions of the SFIPC are bringing class actions and derivative suits on behalf of investors and listed companies that suffered damages from securities fraud and other market misconducts. Since its establishment, the SFIPC has filed more than 200 class actions as of December 2015. The SFIPC can also bring derivative suits against corporate directors or to ask the court to remove unsuitable corporate directors. The investor protection institutions in other jurisdictions, such as Securities Investor Protection Corporation in the US and Canadian Investor Protection Fund, do not have these functions. This article introduces special features of the SFIPC. It also identifies and analyzes the contemporary issues regarding the investor protection system. Particularly, the SFIPC has been criticized for its conflict role in serving as an agent of the government, conducting compulsory mediation, bringing class actions and removing directors. Moreover, what are the duties of the SFIPC in bringing litigation and settling the cases and who are supervising its performance to ensure no breach of duties or abuse of its power? Furthermore, future challenges to the SFIPC will be discussed.


起訖頁 129-217
關鍵詞 Investor ProtectionClass ActionRemoval of DirectorDerivative ActionInvestor Protection FundSettlement投資人保護團體訴訟董事解任代表訴訟保護基金和解
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review  
期數 201603 (11:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
DOI 10.3966/181263242016031101004   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 Preclusion Based on Foreign Patent Judgment and Prosecution History: A Comparative Study to U.S. Patent System




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