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Using C/C++ Internet Community Judge System in Programming Course
作者 楊錦潭詹國輝
The purpose of this study is to explore how to use C/C++ Internet Community Judge System (CICJS) on programming course effects the learning achievements of students at senior high school level. This study is mainly conducted by 'a quasi-experimental design'. It also adopts 'questionnaire survey' as auxiliary support. In the 6-week study, 208 students from researcher's 4 classes were selected. The researcher has been teaching computer programming courses at senior high school for many years while many difficulties in programming instruction are appeared in practice. To overcome those difficulties ahead, this study develops an online CICJS on Facebook, based on the universality and highly interactive online community of Facebook in Taiwan. The major findings of this study are shown as follows,1. The results of the experiment indicate that more improvements are found in low achievement student.2. 'Peer relation' shows significant effect on the learning satisfaction of students.3. The number of response to others request for help shows significant positive correlation with learning satisfaction. Finally, the implications of this study also are discussed. To conduct the effectiveness of CICJS will be explored in the days to come.
起訖頁 1-6
關鍵詞 Programming instructionScaffolding theoryPeer learningC/C++ internet community judge systemCICJS網路社群評測系統程式設計教學
刊名 理工研究國際期刊  
期數 201209 (2:3期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學
該期刊-下一篇 數學極限概念之動態表徵設計




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