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Developing a Big-Five-based Model to Estimate the Auditory ERP P300 Response at Midline Parietal Cortex
作者 周康樂
鑑於人格可決定人類大腦腦波的主要特性的事實,本文試圖在該二者之間,整合出一個直接的連結。藉著現今調查個人意向最廣泛使用的人格特質模型Big Five,以及量測認知歷程的聽覺ERP之內的P300響應,本文發展出以時間為自變數、電流與電壓為因變數、五大人格特質保持為可觀察量的一道簡單並聯RLC電路方程式,在某些指定狀態下,來估量大腦皮質電位變化的時域響應。此一系統模擬的計算結果,獲得R. J. Gurrera等人於2005年使用腦波探測電極在皮質中頂Pz處量測結果的支持,就純理論推演而言,預估值與實驗值的誤差是可接受的。本文顯示:在大腦皮質的誘發電位裡,可能隱含著以五大人格特質為常量分數的一個認知活動的數學函數關係。
This study recognizes the fact that all the personality dispositions generally determine the major characteristics of human brain response while engaging in unexpected tasks, and therefore, attempts to formally integrate a direct association between each other. Utilizing the Big Five of personality traits and the physiological measurement in P300 of event related potential (ERP), a mathematical time-dependent model is developed by actualizing all five spiritual parameters within an equivalent simple parallel RLC circuit, and so to base the human brain variations on electrical voltage changes across the scalp region when a specificsituation arises. The computations of this system simulation are supported by the experimental evidence found at midline parietal cortex Pz by R. J. Gurrera et al. (2005). The differences between the estimated waveform and the neuropsychological measurement are able to be well tolerated as relatively low errors in the purely theoretical development formulated. These results for the validity of the physical construct presented might reveal that the human behavioral changes recorded in P300 of auditory ERP very likely exists on a computational equation of the cognitive neuroelectric network established from the Big Five domains hidden deep within human nature.
起訖頁 49-63
關鍵詞 事件相關電位人格特質五大人格特質五因素模型Event related potentialP300Personality traitsBig fiveFive factor model
刊名 理工研究國際期刊  
期數 201110 (1:2期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學
該期刊-上一篇 可改善載具電力穩定度和能源效率之小型風力發電系統




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