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Hold Me Tight: An Emotionally-Focused Psychoeducational Group for Unmarried Couples
作者 孫頌賢 (Sung-Hsien Sun)劉婷
本研究依據情緒取向伴侶諮商,設計一個未婚伴侶心理教育團體,招募正在約會的伴侶共同參與。團體邀請情緒取向國際認證的訓練師擔任帶領者,以及4 位心理師與社工擔任協同領導員。課程共計5 個單元,每個單元都包含概念講解、伴侶帶開進行對話練習、以及大團體討論。本研究並進行5 個時間點的量化效果追蹤,包括前後測、團體後1、3、6 個月等,測量內容包括成人依戀、關係滿意度、伴侶間社會覺察等三類量表,並在團體結束兩周內,舉辦焦點團體訪談。共計20 對約會伴侶參與,其中有12 位女性與11 位男性完整填答五個時間點的量表,而有29 人分別參與了兩梯次的焦點團體訪談,最後整合此兩部分資料來瞭解團體的效果。初探結果發現,團體可能降低伴侶間惡性循環的僵化程度,並逐漸促發安全感的建立;同時,團體可增加伴侶對彼此間人際行為的覺察程度,以及促成伴侶間分享與接納彼此脆弱心情的歷程。最後提出研究後的建議與限制,以期能提供未來發展類似團體方案之參考。
The research study adapted the “Hold Me Tight” Couple Intervention Program for Taiwanese dating couples to repair and strengthen their relationships by targeting emotions and facilitating secure attachment in group settings. This program is based on Emotionally Focused Therapy (ETF). The program was lead by two lead facilitators, who have received international certification of Emotionally Focused Therapy, and by four co-facilitators. The intervention program consisted of five 1.5 elaboration-hour units. Each unit included three parts: elaboration of key concepts of EFT, dyadic exercises to help create emotional connections between partners, and group discussion to consolidate the change. This study conducted quantitative evaluations at five time points, including pre-, post-, one-month, three-month, and six-month follow-up assessment after the completion of the intervention program. Evaluations included the adult attachment scale, relationship satisfaction, and social awareness between the couple. Focus group interviews were also held two weeks after the group program ended. In total, 20 couples (total of 40 individuals) participated in the program; among them, 12 females and 11 males completed the quantitative evaluation and 29 participants participated in the focus group interviews. The result showed that participants improved their attachment security, increased the awareness of partners’ interpersonal behaviors, and facilitated sharing and the acceptance of each other’s vulnerabilities. In the focus group interviews, participants reported positive feedback in reducing vicious cycles and established a sense of security with their partners. Limitations of the study and clinical implications specific to this population were discussed for future cultural adaptation intervention practice and research.
起訖頁 213-242
關鍵詞 心理教育團體未婚伴侶成人依戀社會覺察情緒取向伴侶諮商adult attachmentemotionally focused couple therapypsychoeducational groupsocial awarenessunmarried couples
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201512 (28:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 在互為主體性中建構主體性:以批判實踐取向敘說與對話為方法的教學實踐




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