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Inheritance Dispute Resolution in Paiwan Tribes
作者 蔡穎芳
The aim of this article is to explore the interaction of plural legal orders concerning the issue of inheritance in Paiwan tribes and the position of the Paiwanese people under such regulatory frameworks. Relevant cases collected from the district courts are analyzed, and the in-depth interviews with Paiwanese mediators, indigenous people and lawyers who dealt with relevant disputes are carried out. This article finds that judges, lawyers and local mediators resist hegemonic state law and try to preserve the community law of vusam inheritance in a variety of ways. However, state law enjoys a superior status over community law in terms of Article 1 of the Civil Code. Therefore, the legal status of indigenous peoples still cannot be improved. Moreover, the majority of interviewees who were the vusams of the family believed that the customary law of vusam inheritance should be codified, while most of the interviewees who were the younger siblings in the family tended to hold a more cautious attitude towards the codification of such customary law. Additionally, the binding force of such a customary law has been undermined by the patriarchal culture of Han people, the stigmatization of indigenous culture, and Christianity. It is also found that the dispute-resolution mechanism of “family council” practices in the Paiwan tribes might be an excellent alternative to settling the inheritance disputes of Paiwanese people. This article argues that Paiwanese people, including the vusams and younger siblings, should be able to determine whether and how the customary rule of vusam inheritance should be encoded as a statute, according to the discourse of legal pluralism and the concept of self-determination embedded in Article 1 of both ICCPR and the ICESCR.
起訖頁 289-358
關鍵詞 排灣族法律多元主義繼承民法民族自決原住民PaiwanLegal PluralismInheritanceCivil CodeSelf-DeterminationIndigenous People
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review  
期數 201509 (10:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
DOI 10.3966/181263242015091002004   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 Reforming the Expert Evidence System in Taiwan Criminal Justice: Lessons from the United States




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