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La Composición Morfológica del Chino mandarín y el Español
作者 劉珍綾
在中文與西班牙裡,複合詞是指由兩個詞根並列組合而成,具有特定語義的詞。本文透過對比分析,探討中西文複合詞的定義、分類以及結構上的異同點。研究發現,依據詞成分的詞性以及成分彼此之間的句法關係,中西文複合詞的內部結構具有高度對比性,並呈現多樣性組合。值得注意的是,在某些結構中,同樣的組合,在一個語言裡顯現高度能產,在另一個語言裡卻完全不具能產性的。此種對照關係,在主詞-動詞(Nombre[sujeto]+Verbo)、動詞-形容詞謂語(Verbo+Adjetivo predicativo)兩種結構中最為明顯。另外,中西文複合詞內部成分都呈現句法關係,但中文的句法範疇更為廣闊,詞法呼應句法結構的對比關係也更顯完整。此點呼應了複合式構詞為中文詞法主要結構之論點。
Both in Mandarin Chinese and in Spanish a composition is the process that consists of two or more lexemes to form a new word with a single and consistent meaning. This work focuses on a contrastive analysis of the compositional morphological structures of both languages. The outcome shows that a common morphological structure and a productive process in one language can be considered as a defective or unproductive resource in the other language. Thus, the scheme of Nouns (subject) + Verb and the categorical combination of Verb + Predicative Adjective are creative structures in Mandarin Chinese, but blocked in Spanish. Moreover, it can be said that although an internal syntactic relation between composition elements is recognized in both languages, the grammatical categories of Chinese compound elements are more complex, and the internal syntactic relationship between the elements of a Chinese compound is more manifested. That is this rich use of compounding that causes the wide variety of Chinese words.
起訖頁 043-062
關鍵詞 構詞複合詞對比分析字的形成morphologycompound wordcontrastive analysisword formation
刊名 語文與國際研究期刊  
期數 201512 (14期)
出版單位 文藻外語大學
DOI 10.3966/181147172015120014003   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 「大目乾連冥間救母變文并圖一卷并序」之體式研究
該期刊-下一篇 論古典與現代作品中的夢:卡爾德隆的《人生如夢》與阿枚納巴的《睜開雙眼》




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