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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Changes of Emergency Medical Services Along The National Freeway No. 5 and 6 Areas: Before And After The Transport |
作者 |
鄧允武 (Yun-Wu Deng)、彭啟峻 |
中文摘要 |
背景目的:連結台北都會區與宜蘭縣的國道五號於2006 年通車,連結台中都會區與南投縣的國道六號於2009 年通車,有人聲稱這兩條國道幫台北與台中製造了後花園,勢必對宜蘭縣與南投縣造成影響。目的:比較國道通車前後沿線鄉鎮緊急醫療救護量的變化。結果:原本緊急醫療救護量較多與著名觀光地區的鄉鎮有較顯著的增加。結論:國道的通車拉近了縣市的距離,交通的便利促成國道沿線鄉鎮的經濟活動,也連帶增加了緊急醫療的需求,尤其是原本緊急醫療救護量與觀光活動較多的鄉鎮其需求成長最多,政府機關宜盡快增加緊急醫療救護資源來因應此變化。 |
英文摘要 |
Background: National freeway No. 5 which connected Taipei city and Yilan County had started transport in 2006. National freeway No. 6 which connected Taichung city and Nantou County had started transport in 2009. These roads would affect the local area. Purpose: Compare the difference of emergency medical service before and after the National freeway transport. Results: Obvious changes were noted at high emergency medical service demand areas and tourism areas. Conclusion: The government should note the effect and prepare early to face the change. |
起訖頁 |
145-148 |
關鍵詞 |
X 光片、泌緊急醫療救護、國道、地區發展、交通建設、Emergency medical service、National freeway、Area development、Traffic construction |
刊名 |
輔仁醫學期刊 |
期數 |
201509 (13:3期) |
出版單位 |
QRCode |
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保暖對等候手術病人冷及焦慮感受之改善成效 |
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滑液膜肉瘤以假性動脈瘤合併血腫來表現 |