Nowadays, the higher education in Taiwan has established the curriculum mapping for universities and their departments. One of the reasons to respect the curriculum mapping was applying for the programs for promoting excellency in teaching. To reverse the views of doing research rather than teaching in universities, the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan announced the plans for promoting excellency in teaching at universities to improve teaching qualities of universities. And the curriculum maps were one of the conditions to apply for the programs for promoting excellency in teaching at universities. It initiated the trend of building curriculum maps to the higher education in Taiwan. There are four types of the discourse on curriculum mapping: the choice and origination of curriculum, teacher professional development, the curriculum evaluation for improvement, and the promotion of learning effect. The research was a study of Department of Education of National Ping Tung University of Education. The study was narrated by the procedure of constructing curriculum mapping from the past, present and future development to provide the prospective suggestions for the curriculum mapping of higher education in Taiwan. The aims of the study were following. First, the study was to investigate the process of erecting the curriculum mapping of the Department of Education of NPUE. Second, the study was to analyze the features and development of curriculum mapping of the Department of Education of NPUE. Third, the study was to conclude the results to the universities. To achieve the research aims, the study was conducted by using participant observation, qualitative documents, and interviews. The results were following. First, the process of curriculum mapping of the Department of Education of NPUE was constructed by PDA. Second, the procedure of building up was recurring. Third, the construction of curriculum mapping was a process of sustainable development.