In the eyes of the manys readers, it seems that The Protestant Ethics of Weber is a very controversial work. It is essentially about an ambiguous relation, as shows his title, between the protestant ethics and the spirit of the capitalism. Indeed, both for the Protestant ethics and for the spirit of the capitalism, many of historians do not agree with the definition and the contents which Weber expresses. If we want to enter into the world of Protestant Ethics, it would be essential to seize more exactly this relation. We do not here try to illustrate completely what is this relation, but to discuss differently that is the causality according to Weber. Being differently, it is to leave the notion of complexity, notion that allows us to consider The Protestant Ethics as resulting from a productive dialogue between order, chaos and auto-organization. As far as is remarkable the phenomenon transformation of quantitative into qualitative changes. By appling the principle of this transformation to the reading of The Protestant Ethics, we consider that the relation between the Protestant ethics and the spirit of the capitalism, could be formulated by a transformation, if its conditions are satisfied. In so far as it will not be surprising that through the function of the auto-organization, not only the diverse interpretation of dogma makes possible the emergence (the Protestant Ethics), but also this ethics, having exceeded the critical point, reaches the transformation of quantitative into qualitative changes (the spirit of the capitalism).