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由失敗經眼探討數位遊戲是學習系統設計的考量因素   全文下載 全文下載
Lessons Learned from the Development of a Digital Game-Based Learning System
作者 楊善媛 (Shen-Yuan Yang)黃錦瑗黃國楨
資訊科技的進步,數位遊戲式的學習模式已受到廣泛地重視;許多學者希望透 過數位遊戲,可以促進學生的學習動機,甚至於學習成就。在本研究中,嘗試建立 一個情境式數位遊戲,以高中二年級英文單字學習為內容,探討對學生學習成就與 態度的影響。經由實驗設計,比較情境式數位遊戲與傳統使用MP3搭配紙本教材的 學習模式,發現兩組學生在學習態度上並沒有顯著差異,而在單字學習成就方面, 傳統的學習方式反而比情境式數位遊戲的效果更佳。經由進一步的分析,發現遊戲 中的對話及解說方式,可能是影響學習成就的主要原因,也說明在設計情境式遊戲 時,應參考媒體設計理論及語言教學原理。
Due to the recent advances in technology, digital learning project has been widely discussed around the world. In this paper, we use two different media tools to teach the frequently used English vocabulary and examine their effectiveness in enhancing high school sudents’ learning attitude and efficacy. A pre-test and a post-test was conducted and analyzed using t-test to compare the learning outcomes of the students who learned with the contextual game and those who learned with MP3 for English vocabulary. From the experimental results, it was found that the MP3 group had better learning achievement than the contextual game group in terms of learning achievements, while their learning attitudes were not significantly different. The findings imply that the media design principles and language learning theories need to be taken into account for developing effective contextual games.
起訖頁 037-051
關鍵詞 情境式遊戲數位遊戲學習成就學習態度雙碼理論contextual gamedigital gameslearning achievementlearning attitudedualcoding theory
刊名 數位學習科技期刊  
期數 201410 (6:4期)
出版單位 數位學習科技期刊編審委員
該期刊-上一篇 國民小學高年級普通班學生使用基模化影片系統解代數多步驟文字題成效之研究
該期刊-下一篇 運用電子書學習系統於問題導向學習在護理實習課程之探討




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