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Applying Watson's Theory in a Nursing Experience for a Patient with Brain Tumor Recurrence
作者 李佳薇黃莉媛葉素娥
This case report describe the nursing experience of caring a 43-year-old female patient with brain tumor recurrence. The patient underwent her first craniotomy in September 2011 and suffered brain tumor recurrence with seizure in February 2012. As the primary care nurse during her two hospitalizations, I observed the patient became more pessimistic at the second time, because her muscle power was deteriorating, leading to the need for further care by others instead of by herself. Due to this abrupt change, she became silent, refused medical treatment, asked to be discharged immediately, and failed to reach an agreement with her family, thereby causing tension among herself, family members, and the medical team. The care period was from February 17 to March 10 in 2012. Watson’s caring theory was applied in the care plan. We explained the illness progression, provided brain tumor caring plan, maximized the patient’s physical function, arranged family meetings to share their opinions, and helped the patient express her feelings. After interventions, the patient accepted medical treatment and continued taking oral chemotherapy medicine from out-patient clinic. We had an interview under her agreement during her return to our service, so that she could receive thorough care. This case report provides some experiences for future clinical practice.
起訖頁 363-373
關鍵詞 復發性腦瘤Watson理論brain tumor recurrenceWatson's theory
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201409 (25:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
DOI 10.3966/102673012014092503011   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 照護一位高危險妊娠婦女孕育雙胞胎的護理經驗




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