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以創作的社會過程解析藝術作品:啟發與限制   全文下載 全文下載
The Artwork as Social Process of Creation: Inspirations and Limits
作者 洪儀真
社會學探討藝術作品,是否過於不自量力,或不啻隔靴搔癢?藝術社會學家Vera L. Zolberg 曾比較社會學者分析藝術作品的方式和美學家、藝術史學家,或一般的社會科學觀點有何不同。為了讓討論與比較分析得以聚焦,Zolberg 首先明確指出傳統藝術界對於「藝術」的三個基本預設:一、藝術是獨一無二的物件;二、藝術品由單一作者完成而非集體完成;三、藝術品展現了藝術家自發性表達的天份。筆者認為,社會學針對這些基本定義內含的關鍵詞彙所進行的辯證,正是開啟藝術社會學與人文學科對話的最佳起點與據點。藝術社會學切入作品研究的面向眾多,本研究特別以藝術品的創作脈絡與嵌入的社會過程作為重點討論面向,並且加入藝術品的價值演變分析,有別於將美學元素視為藝術品既定的特性。此外,社會過程的討論可以從「藝術」的定義過程開始著手,並接續探討其價值賦予的過程。納入社會脈絡與社會過程的探討之後,社會學批判地性檢視藝術被社會使用的方式與宗旨,在不同時期與不同社會成員的網絡中,藝術同時服務著美學以外的目的,史上不乏同一件藝術品在不同歷史階段中經歷美學價值的變動,由此可印證藝術的美學價值並非永恆不變。不同於過度立基於外部主義建構論的社會學模式,本研究主張藝術品評價的社會建構,仍須立基於其美學質性之上,並重視美學質性與社會條件的互動關係,也應嘗試把握美學經驗的來源與內容,分析美感的知覺行動經驗,並適度讓微觀的創作過程與宏觀的社會過程對話,彰顯其活絡的互動關係,方能掌握藝術品作為社會學研究對象的特殊性。
Can sociologists study the art works with academic legitimacy? V. Zolberg compares the differences of approaches of dealing with the artworks between aestheticians, art historians and social scientific scholars. To make the discussion more focused, Zolberg points the traditional assumptions about art, which are the very starting points for the sociologists to begin their arguments with sociological approaches. For example, the sociologists analyze the social process of creation in order to explore the historical context and structural conditions of artworks, instead of regarding the artworks as kind of unique creation only consisting of artist’s talent. We can start to analyze the artworks in term of social process by taking as problematical the definition of an artwork itself. Besides, analyzing the process of evaluation of an artwork helps to understand how the aesthetics value is constructed by different social actors and groups, often through the process of competition, cooperation, accommodation and ect. But different form some sociologists who ignore the aesthetic experiences of the receptors of artworks, I emphasize in this article the importance of the aesthetic recreation of the consumers/receptors of artworks when we try to study the artworks with a sociological approach. A cross-disciplines methodology is strongly suggested in this article to reach a complete understanding the social meanings and social process of an artwork in a given society during a specific historical period.
起訖頁 045-085
關鍵詞 文本分析作品社會學社會過程藝術社會學text analysissociology of art worksocial processsociology of art
刊名 社會分析  
期數 201408 (9期)
出版單位 東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系
該期刊-上一篇 藝術作品的社會性如何可能?一個Georg Simmel觀點的審視
該期刊-下一篇 作品社會學是否可能?一個理論性的初探




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