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品德素養數位敘事之迷宮多路徑設計研究   全文下載 全文下載
A Study of Labyrinth Multipath Design on Digital Storytelling for Moral Literacy
作者 廖冠智 (Guan-Ze Liao)吳昕縈 (Shing-Ying Wu)
Moral literacy is important to develop one’s personality and also an important issue rooted in childhood. This study attempts to investigate the multipath development via the concept of digital narrative, and adopts a maze of common graphical mode, through the narrative workshops to stimulate the diagrams in order to understand the relationships between the narrative content and maze structures. The study also presents the interface design of labyrinth multipath for the demonstrations of narrative content with moral literacy. The participants of study were 27 first grade students in elementary school of the Xinbei city. The experiment conducted the teaching method to guide the students to discuss through the labyrinth multipath of narrative content, and investigated the ARCS motivation from teaching activity performance situations.
Research findings that different branches of the story can help students to explore the predesigned moral qualities, and they like the labyrinth multipath design for presenting the narrative content with moral literacy. The result of experiment presents that testing situations have not only good performance, it can also enhance the students’ willing to explore the narrative content. The ARCS investigations also present the positive reaction in general. The study hope that the design methods of labyrinth multipath develop the variety of narrative content with moral literacy, and promote the application in the education field.
起訖頁 025-049
關鍵詞 品德素養迷宮多路徑尋路概念數位敘事moral literacylabyrinth multipathwayfindingdigital storytelling
刊名 數位學習科技期刊  
期數 201404 (6:2期)
出版單位 數位學習科技期刊編審委員
該期刊-上一篇 手持載具之英文字版連線遊戲系統設計以增強國民小學英文字彙學習投入與成效研究
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