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文山評論:文學與文化 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Beyond Autobiography: Exploring the Holocaust Graphic Novel Maus through Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics
作者 鄭慕尼
阿特.斯皮格曼(Art Spiegelman)創作的兩冊《鼠族》(Maus)為首部榮獲普利茲獎的圖像小說,奠定了圖像小說作為漫畫新分支的重要里程碑。本論文探討《鼠族》處理多層涵義與潛在意義(subtext)的能力,以及漫畫媒材獨特的表現手法。在概念上從法國哲學家呂格爾(Paul Ricoeur)提出的「三重模擬」(Threefold mimesis)出發,探討《鼠族》如何詮釋反猶大屠殺中猶太民族苦難歷史與後記憶。斯皮格曼雖是美國圖像小說的典範人物,但截至目前為止,國內對斯皮格曼作品的研究仍不多見,而這篇論文期以呂格爾的詮釋學理論,闡釋當代自傳性圖像小說如何創造出新的典範。
The two volumes of Maus composed by Art Spiegelman were the first graphic novels to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize. These volumes introduced a new genre of graphic novel in the form of comics. The present study examines the hierarchical content and subtexts of Maus and the unique presentation methods of comics. The researcher employed the concepts of “Threefold mimesis” proposed by the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur, to see how Maus interpretate the Jewish history of suffering in Holocaust and the postmemory. Spiegelman is the icon of the graphic novel world, however, so far research on his work still seems to be rare in Taiwan. This study starts from Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics, hope to elucidate how the new model of contemporary autobiographical comic was created.
起訖頁 103-123
關鍵詞 反猶大屠殺阿特.斯皮格曼《鼠族》圖像小說自傳HolocaustArt SpiegelmanMausgraphic novelsautobiography
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 202006 (13:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 “. . . anything like the words”: how Stage Performances from Ivanhoe Brought Scott’s Characters to the Widest Audiences
該期刊-下一篇 Emerson’s Indian Awakening and Religious Dissent: Thomas Moore’s“Veiled Prophet of Khorassan”in Emerson’s Early Writing and the Divinity School Address




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