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文山評論:文學與文化 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Ivanhoe and Abolition
Ivanhoe and Abolition
作者 Emma Peacocke
Since the early 1950s, the metal collars on Ivanhoe’s serfs have been occupying literary historians. I argue that Gurth and Wamba’s collars owe as much to Abolitionist rhetoric as they do to antiquarianism. Comparing slavery with the repudiated institution of serfdom was a staple of Abolitionist discourse, and Abolitionists like Granville Sharp and Thomas Clarkson frequently confronted audiences with the physical restraints—including collars—used on enslaved Africans. When Ivanhoe was published in 1819, the transatlantic slave trade was outlawed—but slavery in the British West Indies was entirely legal. Simon J. White makes a persuasive identification of Ivanhoe’s Prince John with Britain’s Prince Regent. As I trace Abolitionist discourse through Ivanhoe, I examine the scenes of feasting on imported delicacies with Prince John in light of the Abolitionist boycott of West Indian sugar, rum, and produce, comparing Ivanhoe’s with other Regency feasts. My paper then focuses on the figure of Ulrica, an elderly female serf frequently referred to as a “Saxon witch”; her story suggests both the history of sexual violence directed particularly at female slaves and the role of Obeah in slave uprisings as she sings heathen Saxon songs while burning her captor’s castle down.
起訖頁 49-68
關鍵詞 serfsslaveryabolitioncollarssugarObeah
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 202006 (13:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 Introducing Walter Scott: What Scott Scholars Can Learn from the Prefaces of Chinese Translations of Walter Scott’s Works
該期刊-下一篇 “. . . anything like the words”: how Stage Performances from Ivanhoe Brought Scott’s Characters to the Widest Audiences




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