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The Statements of Han and Wei in Hsu ue-I's 'The Source of the Poems and the Format'
作者 陳盈妃
Hsu Xue-I's work, The Source of the Poems and the Format, was the biggest collection in Ming poetry. This article studies Hsu Xue-I's statements on Han and Wei Dynasties in three aspects: orthodox format and converting format, time and trend, talent and skill. First of all, in the aspect of orthodox format and converting format, Hsu Xue-I thought that there were many differences between Wei and Han poems. Different started from change. From the change point of view, Han poems to Wei poems were changing from the same source. So, Wei poems were "change for good," "though changing but still orthodox." It was the "positive change." Secondly, in the aspect of time and trend, Hsu Xue-I thought that in viewing Han, Wei, and Six Dynasties, the poems became weaker as the development of time. The exact time of decline was in Six Dynasties. In Wei, the poems just changed, not declined yet. Therefore, not only those could not put in the same light as the corrupted Chi and Liang poems, but also those were not the same as the loosing Six Dynasties poems. Wei poems should be discussed together with Han poems, which were originated from emotions. Finally, in the aspect of talent and skill, Hsu Xue-I had mentioned the poet talent problem when discussed Wei poems. He believed it was the talent of the poets urged the changing in Wei poems. Therefore, talent, format, and trend were the factors influencing the development of Han and Wei poems. In Wei poems, Hsu Xue-I discussed the Caos Brothers and Seven Scholars of Jian-an in terms of talent. He especially thought that Cao Zhi had the greatest talent, second Cao Cao, and then Cao Pi. Hus Xue-I studied Han and Wei ancient poems for twenty years. His statements on Han and Wei in "The Source of the Poems and the Format" surely could be clearer and penetrate on the basis of former people. Then proposed his own points of view became fairer statements between mediate retro group and Gong-An Group.
起訖頁 93-110
關鍵詞 許學夷詩源辯體漢魏詩歌晚明Han and Wei poetryHsu Xue-ILate Ming DynastyThe Source of the Poems and the Format
刊名 朝陽人文社會學刊  
期數 201306 (11:1期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學朝陽人文社會學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 社會互動教學與幼兒數概念之研究
該期刊-下一篇 台灣大學生英語學習信念以及英語課堂參與行為初探




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