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A Research on the 3L Educational Ideal of Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages
作者 林耀堂
高等教育機構近年來愈加重視'co-curriculum'的教育理念,它主張相較於一般的課程教學而言,課外活動亦有其重要性。特別是論及大專院校學生的人才培育,該理念更主張課外活動與課程教學皆有同等的重要性。為回應此教育理念,文藻外語學院嘗試提供學生一個整合課程教學與課外活動的學習環境,亦即「課內」學習與「課外」活動對學生的影響理應相輔相成、而非涇渭分明,同時也強調一系列有規劃的課外活動,將對學生帶來正面的影響。而在文藻的辦學理想與教育哲學為基礎下,'co-curriculum'的教育理念在校園裡具體化為三個詞彙(3L):「生命、語言,領導」。逐漸地幫助學生了解、並體會3L的價值與意義:「生命」是對每一個人的尊重;「語言」不僅是跨文化溝通的工具,更是以幫助弱勢者表達其聲音與需求為目的;「領導」則是培養服務的人生觀,並對社會付出關懷的行動。尤其透過參與課外活動的社團經驗,賦予學生服務他人之使命、培養領導團體之能力,並體會「領導即服務(to leadis to serve)」才是領導者應當具備的特質。為此,本研究探討的議題涵蓋:第一,文藻外語學院3L人才培養理念的教育哲學;第二,文藻外語學院3L人才培養理念的推動與落實;第三,文藻外語學院3L人才培養理念之檢討。最後,本研究也將對高等教育人才培養理念提供些許建議。
The educational term, "co-curriculum," has become significant in higher educational institutions in recent years. It highlights the value of the extra-curriculum in relation to the regular school curriculum. The concept claims that learning both inside and outside the classroom, regular curriculum and extra-curricular activities are equally important when promoting the formation of college and university students. To respond to this educational philosophy, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages has been trying to provide students an environment in which both regular curriculum and extra-curriculum were complementary to each other, and emphasis on the positive impact of extra-curriculum has been manifested through a series of activities.The belief of the importance of "co-curriculum" is carried out in campus based on Wenzao's educational philosophy embodied in the three words, "Life, Language & Leadership." Understanding the value and meanings of the 3L, students have gradually experienced that 1) "Life" is to respect everyone's dignity; 2)"Language" is more than a tool of intercultural communication; it helps the disadvantaged and deprived to voice out; 3) "Leadership" is taking action to serve people and the Community. In particular, to make Wenzao students understand its full meaning of leadership, through participation in extracurricular activities, we empowered them the mission to serve others, and helped them experience the meaning of "to lead is to serve", as qualities that real leaders should possess.Thus, this research tries to address the following issues: first, the educational philosophy of 3Ls of Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages; second, the implementation mechanisms and operations of 3Ls in the college; third, the evaluation and analysis of the performance related to 3Ls. Finally, hope the discussion presented in this study could also provide a leadership training model for other institution of higher education.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 課外活動3L人才培養理念文藻外語學院extra-curriculumeducational philosophy of 3LsWenzao Ursuline College of Languages
刊名 朝陽人文社會學刊  
期數 201306 (11:1期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學朝陽人文社會學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-下一篇 安置機構少女自力生活能力培育方案之反思與回饋:輔導人員之觀點




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