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Value Co-Creation in Local Cultural and Creative Industry: The Perspective of Tri-Sector Partnerships
作者 馮國豪戴士欽賴文山
Tri-sector partnerships in local cultural and creative industries have become more extensive in recent years. However, it still leaves how value is co-created in tri-sector partnerships to be learned. Trisector partnerships, which are collaborations among local firms, university incubation center, and public sectors, can be viewed as one type of public-private partnerships. This study explores how value is co-created in tri-sector partnerships in cultural and creative industries based on public private partnerships and value-based strategies. In our case study of Hwang Sun Enterprise in local cultural and creative industries, we provide an understanding of how the local firm initiated and governed the publicprivatepartnership with public sector and university incubation center and how they appropriate cocreated value. Our result found that resources and capabilities of the local firm that combines complementary assets have moderating effects of how value is co-created. Finally, we provide a tentative research framework, implications, and discussion for industry-academy collaborations.
起訖頁 1-33
關鍵詞 產官學夥伴關係價值共創文創產業tri-sector partnershipsvalue co-creationcultural and creative industries
刊名 東吳經濟商學學報  
期數 201309 (82期)
出版單位 東吳大學商學院
該期刊-下一篇 運用文化產品與文化地景來推動鶯歌陶瓷文化創意產業邁向國際化




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