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Affect as Prosthesis: Minority, 'Inspirational Literature,'and the Disability Narrative
作者 紀大偉
This article attempts to focus on the inspirational character of the inspirational literature, a genre into which Taiwan disability narratives are habitually pigeonholed. As the inspirational literature is often too commercialized to be respected in academe, the article suggests not to throw out the baby with the bath water but to recognize that such a minority as the disabled might strategically adopt the inspirational texts as prosthetic devices to maneuver in the economy of affect. The article analyzes three famed texts in Taiwan that are central to the said economy. First, One Lonely Boat on the Boundless Sea, a book-length memoirs by Feng-hsi Cheng, an amputee whose work was appropriated by the Chiang Ching-ko regime for its quasi-nationalallegory- like signification for Taiwan. Second, the personal essays by Hsing-Lin Tzu, a wheel-chaired writer whose essays, contemporaneous with the aforesaid Cheng, reveal endeavors of deterritorialization from the state apparatuses and those of reterritorialization with Christianity. Third, Sound of Colors, a graphic book by Jimmy Liao, a cancer survivor, whose work critically suspends the necessity of the inspirational.
起訖頁 87-116
關鍵詞 弱勢勵志輔具鄭豐喜杏林子幾米身心障礙the inspirationalprosthesisaffectSound of Colorsdisabilityminor literature
刊名 文化研究  
期數 201303 (15期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 卡蘿的疾病誌:失能主體的思辯
該期刊-下一篇 再現弱勢:從「月亮的小孩」到「水蜜桃阿嬤」




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