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The Public Television in Taiwan
作者 谷玲玲劉幼琍
The so-called "Public Broadcasting System" consists of government-funded PTS, Hakka TV, TITV, and Taiwan Macroview TV and CTS, which is fully supported by advertising revenues and is still under the process of going public. Since the Public Television Act is under revision, concerns over governance and development of the PBS require systematic analysis, and constructive suggestions can be useful. This study conducts in-depth interviews, focus groups, and public hearings to grapple with the feasible budgeting system, governance structure, and supervision mechanisms of Taiwan's public television. The research findings show that it is highly unlikely to collect license fees in Taiwan. The public television will still have to rely on government funding. Some public television stations should be allowed to be partially supported by advertising revenues as long as they continue to uphold significant public values. To ensure the public television produces programs with public values, its budget and operation must still be supervised by the government, but officials and legislators must refrain from giving advices to particular programs. The Board of Directors of the PBS sets strategies, approves top-level budgets, and appoints top executives, while an executive board should be established to be responsible for operational management and for the delivery of quality services to the public. An official content advisory committee should be established to reflect various public concerns and to raise public recognition.
起訖頁 109-139
關鍵詞 公共電視公共電視法公廣集團public televisionpublic television actpublic broadcasting system
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 201106 (32期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 置入性行銷新聞的第三人效果




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