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Explore the Social Culture Phenomenon of Digital Games Art
作者 游易霖
Games have a history extending well over thousands of years, some of the old countries, such as: China, Egypt, India ... and so on, have spread the game through generations. For example, the Go, also known as Qi Tao, is a popular game in Japan that is considered as a form of art. Many artists expect audiences to interact with their art work in certain degree, in hopes that their concepts and emotions can be transmitted through a two-way communication. In order to, build up a new kind of culture in our society. The existing of culture is to exchange and communicate, last but not least is to come up with creative creation. Digital game is a product born under these factors. Nowadays digital game is a popular leisure entertainment, and its impact to our daily life is increasing every second, moreover it has become a new trend in our culture. Under these mind thinking, the research today elaborates upon digital game, which comes in the category under culture creative industry, in terms of need in interaction, and seeks if this way of conveying can reach the ultimate goal in communication and satisfied the needs of people, therefore in becoming a part of our life. The purpose of this research would like to verify the digital game culture through the theory resulted from elaboration, in which it could fully clarify the interactive features in digital games. The research method conducts by literature review, personal interviews, and case studies to undergo digital game spirit in interaction and test and verify the phenomenon in culture.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 大眾藝術文化現象情緒滿足視覺傳播數位遊戲mass communicationsocial culture phenomenonsensory gratificationvisual communicationdigital game
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 201106 (32期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-下一篇 置入性行銷新聞的第三人效果




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