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Glocalization of Nonfiction entertainment media: Programming strategies of Discovery Communication Inc. in Taiwan
作者 蘇蘅鄭淑文
This article examines the global media's institutional logic of programming for local audiences using Discovery Communications Inc. as an example. Global media expansion is connected to other trends such as the fragmentation of audiences, special genre for local market, lower cost and greater profit expectations. One of the genre fitting these new programming demands is so-called nonfiction entertainment. The authors analyze how Discovery Communications Inc. developed this genre in Taiwan and collaborated with local producers. Concluding, the authors highlight some new consequences of these findings for research in glocalization theory and media economy. One strategy of DCI in Taiwan's market was to develop a variety of channels that are jointly promoted. Another strategy was to involve local producers to co-produce programs under one well-known brand name that could be easily sold. The types of cooperative projects have become more common in Taiwan, Discovery is careful not to dilute its quality brand by appearing overly commercialized.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 在地化全球在地化紀實娛樂探索頻道媒體集團電視紀錄片localizationglocalizationnonfiction entertainmentDiscovery Channelmedia conglomeratetelevision documentary
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 200906 (30期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-下一篇 策略聯盟與媒體組織資源運用之關聯性研究——以台灣廣播電台為例




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