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The Propagating Functions of Hakka TV in a Multi-Dialectical Culture
作者 彭文正
Taiwan has been in a society of bilingual and bi-dialectical, which means the group of Mandarin spoken and the group of Helo spoken both completely kept their complete dialects, and both users could communicate with each other in either dialects. Hakka is a dialect which other groups can not use to communicate and is gradually waning. According to the speculation of Markov model for Language-inheritance, it is estimated that Hakka language will get into scrapes as the Taiwanese aborigines nowadays after six to eight generations. Applying the theory of public opinion distribution, "Spiral of silence" to the patterns of Hakka language, Hakka TV can actively build a "language climate" to prevent Hakka from becoming a dialect of malfunction. Hakka can retard its speed of sinking into "Silent Spiral" with family education, and the function of reference groups in school education and the opinion building of mass media. If Hakka TV popularizes well and the agency of Hakka cultural people and opinion leaders elaborates, Hakka can possibly prove to be an essential element of the "tri-lingual but not tri-dialectical" language culture in the future.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 少數族群文化母語教育沉默螺旋客家電視語言政策minority culturemother-tongue educationspiral of silenceHakka TVlanguage policy
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 200806 (28期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-下一篇 結束後的開始:NCC成立歷程與釋憲後的修法議題




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