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An Empirical Study about the Acceptance of the Multimedia on Demand System
作者 張裕幸謝宗帆
The growing popularity of the internet has resulted in exciting opportunities for Media to reach out for audience with very little costs. Retaining audience at a Web-based corporate media is arguably one of the most important objectives for e-commerce practitioners today. Unfortunately, it is also a extremely difficult challenge. Few work of technology acceptance researches have been developed to understand why people return - or fail to return - to websites. In this study, we consider the online user of Multimedia on Demand (MoD) as both an audience and a computer user. This paper addresses the issue by developing a theoretical framework that models the factors influencing a user's acceptances toward using the MoD system. The framework is adapted from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), originally developed by Davis et al. (1986). A major revision involves the concept of Flow Experience and Perceived Customer Satisfaction. Furthermore, Customer Satisfactions and Flow experience of a MoD system are important factors in affecting the user's belief of such a Web site. Through our survey and analysis, we've proved Technology Acceptance Model again. And we found that our research model is more explicative than the original TAM. According to the result of our analysis, there is no sign could tell us that MoD users' Perceived Ease of Use will have positive effect on their attitude. In addition, Flow Experience could affect users' Behavioral Intention by changing their Attitude. It seems that usefulness of MoD Systems is the most important factor influencing customers' decisions toward using MoD. The implication of these findings for researchers and MoD operators has also been discussed in the end of the article.
起訖頁 43-74
關鍵詞 多媒體隨選系統科技接受模型認知顧客滿意心流經驗Multimedia on Demand system (MoD)TAMFlow ExperienceCustomer Satisfactions
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 200407 (23期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 廣播聽眾之情境、行為與動機之研究——以情境作為預測變數
該期刊-下一篇 初探台灣公共電視節目產製制度對公眾的想像與實踐:從「孽子」修剪事件談起




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