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The Geographical Distribution of Aspiration of Middle Chinese Voiced Initials in MultiDialectal Contact Zones in Western Fujian
作者 嚴修鴻邱春安
閩西連城及其周邊地區是閩西客家話和閩語次方言閩中、閩南方言 的交錯地帶,其方言的豐富性和複雜性,不僅表現在因晚起音變造成的 音值差異上,而且反映在早期的音韻特徵方面,內部各土語之間也表現 出較大的差異性。本論文以 144 個地點的材料介紹連城縣及周邊相關方 言中古全濁聲母今讀的類型差異,並畫成地圖。就這一閩客多方言接觸 帶在全濁聲母今讀塞音、塞擦音是否送氣這一問題上,本文取得了更新 的認識。第一是通過密集布點,瞭解到嚴修鴻(1998)曾經討論的四個類 型的更加詳細而準確的分佈。第二是新發現了一些新的語音類型:平聲、 上聲、入聲全部送氣,而濁去基本不送氣(C1 類)與濁上、濁入讀送氣 而平聲、去聲不送氣(C2 類)以及平聲、去聲、入聲均有送氣與否兩讀 但上聲白讀皆為送氣(B2)這三種新類型。本論文認為全濁聲母今讀塞 音塞擦音字的送氣成分在具體地點上的增加以及送氣範圍的擴大與客家 話的影響有關。
This paper discusses the differences in the types of the Middle Chinese voiced initials of 144 locations in Liancheng and its vicinities. Through a map of different types and their geographical distribution, this paper has gained a new insight into the distribution of aspiration of the Middle Chinese voiced initials. First, we get to know the more detailed and accurate distribution of the four types discussed by the first author in 1998. Second, three new types of pronunciation are discovered: C1-type, with Ping, Shang, and Ru tones all being aspirated, and voiced Qu tone being unaspirated; C2-type, with voiced Shang tone and voiced Ru tone being aspirated, and Ping tone and Qu tone being unaspirated; B2-type, with Ping, Qu, and Ru tones being either aspirated or unaspirated, and colloquial pronunciations of Shang tone being aspirated. This paper argues that the expansion and increase in number of locations of the aspirated voiced initials are closely related to the strong influence of Hakka Chinese.
起訖頁 207-228
關鍵詞 古全濁聲母送氣閩西連城地理分佈Middle Chinese voiced initials aspiration Western Fujian Liancheng geographical distribution
刊名 臺灣語文研究  
期數 202010 (15:2期)
出版單位 台灣語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 花蓮閩南語的方音差異及音變研究──花蓮市、瑞穗及富里三個方言點的調查研究
該期刊-下一篇 台語全羅教學在識字及英語聲韻覺識之跨語言效果




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