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The Taming of the White Snake: The Oppression of Female Sexuality in the Legend of the White Snake
The Taming of the White Snake: The Oppression of Female Sexuality in the Legend of the White Snake
作者 Emma H. Zhang
This article examines the ancient mythological origins of the legend of the White Snake. The snake woman's sensuality, longevity, fertility, and capability in healing are archetypal qualities common to snake goddesses in many early matrifocal mythologies around the world: the snake woman represents matrifocal sensibility in contrast to and in conflict with the patriarchal world order. The ultimate destruction of the marriage between the weak husband Xu Xuan (or Xu Xian) and the powerful snake wife shows the intolerance of female-centered households in a patriarchal society. The evolution of the White Snake stories across time shows a consistent trend toward characterizing the snake woman as progressively less threatening, until finally she is transformed into an idealized Confucian wife and mother. Using comparative mythology as an analytical framework, I argue that the White Snake is a vestige of an ancient snake creator goddess venerated for her power of fertility. Her defeat in the legend can be interpreted as symbolic of the triumph of patriarchy in its regulation and control of women's fertility. The enduring allure of the legend lies in its ability to reveal the latent discontents in patriarchal societies.
起訖頁 103-126
關鍵詞 comparative mythology the White Snake patriarchy matriarchy female sexuality marriage
刊名 Ex-position  
期數 202012 (44期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 The Child with His Camera: Mimetic Experiences in Edward Yang's Yi Yi
該期刊-下一篇 ''A Knowledge of the Useful'': Economy in Mary Hays's Family Annals, or the Sisters




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