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The Empirical Study on Hotel Room Rate by a Dynamic Pricing Model
作者 江勁毅葉婷瑄
在實際的旅館營運中,房價之制訂是旅館營收管理中相當重要的議題之一,即透過適當定價之策略使得旅館業者能獲得最大之利潤。過往旅館業者大部分使用的定價方式屬於靜態定價機制,例如:以成本為基礎的定價方式、以競爭為基礎的定價方式等;不過,這樣的定價方法,皆無法考慮到市場上需求的變動和顧客對價格變動的反應。因此,本研究應用Guo et al.(2013)所提之動態定價機制,並以實際飯店營運資料進行模式之驗證。研究結果顯示,運用此動態定價模式做為飯店訂價之調整確實可行,能有助於業者擬定如早鳥優惠時之預約房價,使旅館經營者可依據不同時期之需求制定房價,而使旅館經營者獲得最佳之營收。不過不同房價實施的間隔期間之決定,由於所採用之模式的分析特性,對於量體較小的旅館或房型並不易應用。
Pricing is an essential issue for hoteliers on revenue management in the hotel operations. The revenue management aims to maximize profit by utilizing the right pricing strategies at the right time. Most of the hoteliers had employed one of the static pricing methods, e.g., cost-based and competition-based, to their decision of room rate; these methods, however, lack considering variations of market demand and reactions of the consumer on the room rate. Therefor some dynamic pricing models have proposed by researchers to deal with variations in the market of room sales. This empirical study applied a dynamic pricing model proposed by Guo et al. (2013) on the operation data collected from a four-star hotel in Taiwan to verify the applicability of the model. The result shows that the model can be adequately utilized to decide the multi-tier room rate based on a daily demand function to maximize the revenue of rooms. Nevertheless, the duration between two different room rates seems not easy to calculate by the model for hotels with less quantity of rooms because of the characteristics of the model.
起訖頁 45-68
關鍵詞 旅館房價動態訂價營收管理hotelroom ratedynamic pricingrevenue management
刊名 餐旅暨觀光  
期數 201912 (16:2期)
出版單位 國立高雄餐旅大學
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