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From“Waste”to“Cherish”: The Learning Outcomes of Implementing Waste Food Issue Course
作者 王瑤芬蕭敏秀尤介彥
地球暖化導致食物生產面臨嚴峻的衝擊,然而,卻有三分之一的糧食被浪費。剩食過多的浪費現象需透過教育來改變不當的飲食行為。我國現階段國中課程並無剩食相關之學習內容,因此本研究發展剩食議題之課程單元,以創造性問題解決(creative problem solving)進行課程設計,並評估學習成效。本研究採準實驗設計,選取中部某國中三年級學生為研究對象,其中實驗組有4班95人,控制組3班74人,透過八週的課程介入,於教學的第一週及最後一週分別實施前測與後測,根據資料進行共變數分析。研究結果顯示,剩食議題之課程實施對學生在剩食認知、惜食行為、綠色飲食態度及面對飲食問題的問題解決能力上有顯著的學習成效,但在面對食物浪費問題的創新想法上沒有顯著的立即效果。
Global warming has great impacts on food production. However, one-third of food is wasted due to improper consumption, which urgently needs to be improved through education. There is no course related to “waste food” in the Grade 1-9 curriculum guidelines. Thus, this study adopted creative problem solving approach to develop an eight-week course of waste food issue, as well as evaluated learning outcomes of implementing this course. The quasi-experimental research design was employed. 95 nine-grade students from a junior high school in the central area of Taiwan, who attended the waste food course as experimental subjects; 74 the same age students served as control group who did not attended the waste food course. The two groups took same pre-test and post-test in the first and last week of teaching period. ANCOVA was used to examine immediate effects of implementing waste food course. The results showed that implementing the waste food course has significant effects on improving students' cognition about waste food, behaviors relating to reducing food waste, green attitude relating to dining, and problem-solving ability of facing food problems. However, there is no significant effect on enhancing the ability of creative thinking toward reducing food waste.
起訖頁 21-49
關鍵詞 全球暖化綠色飲食食物浪費創造性問題解決global warminggreen foodfood wastecreative problem solving
刊名 餐旅暨觀光  
期數 201812 (15:2期)
出版單位 國立高雄餐旅大學
該期刊-上一篇 過度服務對消費者情緒、滿意度與口碑之研究
該期刊-下一篇 中餐廳外場服務人員專業職能量表發展與驗證之研究




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