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Autonomy and Attachment: The Case of the United Front Target Li Jieren
作者 王超然
本文以李劼人為例,探討 1949 年以後中共如何統戰資產階級,推行 新的政治運作模式,以及其間各階段的變化。1949 年建政後,中共的統 戰政策有了新的變化。中共與資產階級的合作,由過去共同對抗國民黨, 轉變成形式上為聯合政權模式,實質上為中共專政的運作模式。就中共 而言,資產階級在意識形態上為其敵人,但在現實上又必須將資產階級 代表納入體制之內,以穩固政權,順利轉型成社會主義國家。所以,讓 統戰對象聽從中共的領導便成為首要目標。至於被視為資產階級代表的 社會菁英,對中共的意識形態認知不足,仍認為自己能夠在保持一定程 度自立的狀態下,進入體制內工作,與中共友好合作。中共在建國後的 統戰政策,在既團結又鬥爭的原則下,一方面藉由各種物質待遇、政治 特權等,讓統戰對象得享優遇;另一方面則試圖以各項政治運動、思想 教育,逐漸消除他們的自立性,將他們改造成社會主義新人,令他們成 為體制的依附者。李劼人的際遇,是中共施行新政治運作模式下,作為 資產階級統戰對象的具體縮影。
The united front policy of the Chinese Communist Party reached a new stage after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. The relationship between the CCP and the bourgeois class was apparently transformed from collaboration in order to fight against the Nationalist regime to apparent unity, which was actually CCP dictatorship. For the CCP, the bourgeois class was its ideological enemy, but nonetheless the CCP had to include it in the new political system to consolidate the regime in the founding of the socialist state. Therefore, the primary goal of the CCP was to subjugate the bourgeois class to the leadership of the CCP. As for social elites, which were considered the representatives of the bourgeoisie, they entered the CCP's political regime without fully comprehending its ideology and saw themselves as collaborators of the CCP with a certain level of autonomy. Therefore, guided by the principle of both unifying and criticizing, the CCP employed a practical unification policy on the following terms: on the one hand, it provided political and other benefits to the united front target elites through political rights and material shelter, and on the other hand, through a series of political movements and thought education, it tried to reform them into socialist new men and took away their independence to attach them to the political system. By focusing the case of Li Jieren, this article examines the new political model of the post-1949 period and the various stages through which it evolved.
起訖頁 91-138
關鍵詞 中共統戰李劼人成都四川Chinese Communist Party United Front Li Jieren Chengdu Sichuan
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 202009 (109期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 末代國師:第七世章嘉呼圖克圖
該期刊-下一篇 Elif Akçetin and Suraiya Faroqhi, eds., Living the Good Life: Consumption in the Qing and Ottoman Empires of the Eighteenth Century




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