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台灣公共衛生雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Gender differences in the relationships among leisure-time physical activities, sedentary behaviors, and Health-Related Quality of Life for older adults in Taipei metropolitan area
作者 王立亭方怡堯 (I-Yao Fang)何信弘 (Hsin-Hung Ho)張少熙 (Shao-Hsi Chang)
目標:身體活動不足與過量靜態行為已被證實為兩個獨立的健康危險因子,且存在著性別 差異。方法:本研究為橫斷性調查,採用電腦輔助電話訪談對台北市65歲以上高齡者進行調 查,有效樣本1,068份(年齡72.3±6.1歲,女性54.6%),所有參與者使用SF-8評估健康生活品 質、國際身體活動量表-長版,瞭解休閒時間身體活動水平和強度,及使用靜態行為量表得知 久坐概況。結果:休閒時間身體活動(總時間、中高強度、步行時間)和健康生活品質(生 理、心理健康及總分)的平均上數觀察到性別差異,但在靜態行為(靜態時間及看電視時間) 方面則無性別差異。進一步分析,發現女性休閒時間身體活動和步行時間越多,可顯著正向預 測生理健康與整體健康生活品質;但男性皆無顯著關聯。靜態行為方面,男性靜態時間愈多, 可顯著負向預測其生理健康;看電視時間越多,生理、心理及整體健康較差;但女性則無相關 發現。結論:本研究發現評估健康生活品質時,區分性別、身體活動和靜態行為是重要的。建 議未來提供高齡者健康生活品質促進之訊息時,可針對不同性別及行為進行更有效的介入。 (台灣衛誌 2020;39(6):696-708)
Objectives: Insufficient physical activity and sedentary behavior in two great a quantity have been proved to present different health risks to different sexes. Methods: This study utilized a cross-sectional survey. Data were collected by conducting computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) to investigate the health of individuals aged 65 and over in Taipei City. A total of 1,068 valid samples were obtained (age = 72.3±6.1 years, 54.6% were women). The participants' HRQoL were assessed using the SF-8 questionnaire, the level and intensity of their leisuretime physical activity (LTPA) were assessed using the long form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and the extent of their sedentary behaviors was assessed using the Measure of Older Adults' Sedentary Time (MOST) questionnaire. Results: Differences between genders were observed for LTPA (overall, MVPA, walking) and HRQoL (physical health, mental health, overall), but not for sedentary behavior (sedentary time and TV viewing). For the female participants, a higher overall LTPA and an increase in the time spent walking were positive predictors of good physical health and overall HRQoL. No significant associations were found between men. For the male participants, increase in sedentary behaviors was a significant negative predictor of physical health. For males who spent an increased amount of time watching TV, this two was a negative predictor of physical health, as well as of mental health and overall HRQoL. There were no relevant findings for women. Conclusions: These findings highlighted the importance of considering gender differences and the level and intensity of PA and SB when evaluating HRQoL. The results provided an important insight into the promotion of HRQoL for older adults. Future research could examine more effective interventions targeting specific genders and behaviors. (Taiwan J Public Health. 2020;39(6):696-708)
起訖頁 696-708
關鍵詞 老年人休閒活動久坐行為生活品質elderly leisure activity sedentary behavior Health-Related Quality of Life
刊名 台灣公共衛生雜誌  
期數 202012 (39:6期)
出版單位 台灣公共衛生學會
該期刊-上一篇 肺炎住院病人特性及住院天數之影響因子




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