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Yan Shouyi's Epitaph: The Career Advancement of a Local Southern Medical Officer
作者 范家偉
本文從元代一位地方官醫嚴壽逸的一生,探視他從求學到出仕的 歷程,藉此反映元代醫學教育的實際運作。過去研究集中在制度層 面,分析元代地方醫學教育制度。嚴壽逸在元代不是很有名,相關資 料不多,但嚴壽逸與元代知名士人如吳澄、揭傒斯、胡長孺交往,因 而在他們著作中留下若干記載。本文以危素所寫〈故天臨路醫學教授 嚴君墓銘〉為主要的線索,按墓誌銘敘述嚴壽逸生平,討論五個主題: 儒者改習醫學、元代地方醫學教育、醫者北遊京師、管理地方醫學事 務,以及與儒者交往。這五個主題與元代官方推動地方醫學教育有密 切關係。本文最後比較三位南方地方醫者嚴壽逸、葛應雷、朱震亨, 了解金元醫家劉完素、李杲等著作,傳至南方的情況,及其成為南方 醫者學習的重要文本。
This paper discusses the life of local medical officer Yan Shouyi, his study of medicine, and his career advancement during the Yuan dynasty. While previous studies of Yuan dynasty medical history emphasise the institutional level by analysing the local medical educational system, this paper focuses on the example of one southern medical officer as a reflection of certain key aspects of the Yuan dynasty medical education system. Though Yan was not famous and there is not much recorded about his life, he had personal connections with famous scholars such as Wu Cheng, Jie Xisi, and Hu Changru. Based on their writings, as well as Yan's epitaph written by Wei Su, this paper explores five aspects of the Yuan medical system, including the incidence of scholars changing their career to learn medicine, local medical education, the physicians visiting the Yuan capital, the management of local medical systems, and Yan's interaction with Confucian scholars. These aspects are closely related to the promotion of local medical education by the Yuan court. Finally, this paper compares the lives of three southern physicians, namely Yan, Ge Yinglei and Zhu Zhenheng, to understand how the medical writings of famous medical physicians Liu Wansu, Li Gao, etc., spread to the south from the north during Jin-Yuan transition period, and how their writings became important texts for medical education in the south.
起訖頁 213-255
關鍵詞 元代嚴壽逸墓誌銘官醫地方醫學教育Yuan Dynasty Yan Shouyi Epitaph Medical Officer Local Medical Education
刊名 思與言  
期數 202009 (58:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 原食力:原住民飲食文化做為食農教育的社會實踐




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